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Showing posts from June, 2019
In quiet contemplation I have discovered some of my most profound insights.   In these moments the infinite is encountered and the material becomes impermanent and insignificant.   Peace and harmony enter the wounded soul and bring peace and harmony. Our human world is cluttered with things to do.    As a human I am always finding something with which to engage my time and attention.   It is part of our human condition to keep busing planning and doing. Horses don't have this human need to be busy doing.   As long as they have a full belly, they are content to simply be.   They don't plan for tomorrow or despair over yesterday.   They find simple contentment in just being. Just being in the presence of horses brings me into a state of mindfulness contemplation.   The simple act of brushing the horses this morning was a time of peace, harmony, and restful joy.   It was a time of mutual sharing with both the horse and human entering into the bliss of the infini
I have the good fortune of having at least a few moments almost every day for mindfulness with horses.  At times it is just a few moments of intentional mindfulness while they finish their feed or it is moments of mindful task oriented intention while tending to hoof care or simply grooming.  Other times the mindfulness is reserved for periods of intentional meditation.  All of these times bring meaning in their own way. There are others times when I have the fortune to share these mindfulness experiences, not just with horses, but also with fellow human beings.  Each of these mindfulness moments bring their own variances colored by the personal histories and presence of the participants.  The horses bring an intuitive understanding of each individual present and their responses to the situation offer to enlighten our human understanding. The language of the horse is subtle and often silent but when we are attune, it is always enlightening.  Horses speak plainly but often w