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Showing posts from January 11, 2020

Good Times and Bad Times

There are bad times and then there are the terrible, horrible, awful, no-good times.  Not much else can be said for the times of departure of a beloved.  Thursday May 30 began as just another normal day but ended in unexpected grief. Mack's Reward, an OTTB, was the horse I'd been longing for, for fifty plus years.  Since a child, I'd wanted a horse and finally after establishing a career and moving from places as far-flung as the pacific islands, at the age of fifty-six I finally felt settled enough to bring into my life the horse I'd always wanted.  After a three month search, we found each other and Mac came home to fill my life.  For nine short years he was an integral  part of the family.  He taught me to ride and everything I know about horses.  From him I learned the deep meaning of interspecies relationship.   When I entered the barn that evening for regular feeding, I could see before even entering that this was  not  going to be just a