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Showing posts from May 3, 2019
Today I spent time with several of my psychology students engaged in mindfulness with horses.   I don't know exactly what the experience meant to the students but it was profoundly meaningful for me and the horses.   Coming together in mindfulness with these natural and powerful mediators is ineffable.   The connections the horses and students created were visceral.   The horses' responses to the mindfulness of the students were undeniable.   The horses went from curiously leery and apprehensive to being as peaceful and trusting as a new born baby.   The closest image of the experience that I can conjure, is that of watching a baby sleep. The students seemed moved by the experience as well.   That old saying of you can't give without receiving seems apropos.   The students gave gentle kindness and in returned received acceptance and trust. For a few hours today, the world expanded into a universe full of genuine unconditional acceptance and powerful peace.