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Showing posts from November 30, 2009


Empowerment Allen Lomax  (copywrite 2009) “Power contained and positively directed opens one to the universal sources empowerment.” The Philosophical Equine Empowerment is shared force.  Empowerment is collaborative force.  Empowerment is connected force.  Empowerment arises within individuals and groups when the true essence or true nature is allowed to develop unhampered and unrestrained. The wealthy and the rulers have power but are not always empowered.  Others can be extremely empowered but not wealthy or powerful.  Mother Teresa and Gandhi come to mind.  Though avowing a life of poverty, both from their empowerment attracted tremendous financial wealth and power to their causes.  As one of Gandhi’s supports stated, “It takes a great deal of money to keep Gandhi in his poverty.” Horses know empowerment.  Horses are strong and powerful.  They are empowered because in their wisdom they contain and direct their extraordinary strength and power.  Empowerment is in their es