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Allen Lomax  (copywrite 2009)

“Power contained and positively directed opens one to the universal sources empowerment.”
The Philosophical Equine

Empowerment is shared force.  Empowerment is collaborative force.  Empowerment is connected force.  Empowerment arises within individuals and groups when the true essence or true nature is allowed to develop unhampered and unrestrained.

The wealthy and the rulers have power but are not always empowered.  Others can be extremely empowered but not wealthy or powerful.  Mother Teresa and Gandhi come to mind.  Though avowing a life of poverty, both from their empowerment attracted tremendous financial wealth and power to their causes.  As one of Gandhi’s supports stated, “It takes a great deal of money to keep Gandhi in his poverty.”

Horses know empowerment.  Horses are strong and powerful.  They are empowered because in their wisdom they contain and direct their extraordinary strength and power.  Empowerment is in their essence.  They are who they are, where they are, in this moment, in the here and now.  They are never confused about who or what they are.

Conflict between horse and human arises not because the horse is confused but because humanity is confused.  Humanity has and continues to inflect horrendous abuse upon the good nature of the equine because humanity is confused about empowerment.  When humanity seeks further empowerment through the horse but expects the horse to deliver something more or different than the horse by nature can provide, conflicts arise.  When, on the other hand, the horse is allowed connection with her natural essence, she allows her power to be productively directed for mutual empowerment without conflict.

Thousands of years ago when horses decided to give up their wildness and enter the lives of humans they brought with them their integral sense of empowerment.  They become one of the preeminent domesticated companions.  For mutual benefit, they offered their empowerment to humanity who became, because of this offering, further empowered.  The advancement of human civilization rode on the backs of the empowered equine.  Whether serving as the dignified plow horse or drawing the carriage of royalty, the self-empowered and noble equus shouldered the burden of labor and provided the energy that freed the human to expand the horizons civilization.

For wealth of any kind to grow and flourish, there must be connections to sources of empowerment. To build sustainable financial wealth then, is to respectfully connect with one’s essence.   With this connection one can trust the self to enable nurturing connections with financial resources that are compatible and that harmonize with one’s true essence.

Visit my web site  for information pertaining to real estate and tax sheltered sustainable investing. 


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