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Showing posts from July, 2019

Dolly: A Mirror to the Soul.

Ever sense Dolly has come into my life she has possessed the keen ability to push all of my buttons.   I've lost track of the times I've completely lost it when working with her and thus responded to her in anger and frustration never to accomplish what I'd hoped.   Even though I do not like to admit it, she is a window into my soul as she provides the vehicle upon which to project many of the aspects of myself that I disown. I tend to under appreciate her and favor my other horses.   In truth though, she is a horse for which to be grateful.   While my other two horses, Trooper who is still with me and Mack who crossed over the rainbow path, are mostly very amiable and willing to comply with the least suggestion, Dolly has her own mind and prefers to have it her way.   Because of Mack's and Trooper's likeable personalities, being with them has been more pleasurable.   Yet, it is Dolly who has steadfastly been the mirror that reveals the parts of the self