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Showing posts from April, 2020

Athena Heart of Gold

She was deep in a heavily sedated sleep.   She hadn’t slept so deeply in months or even what seemed like ages.   However long, it was now warmly relaxing – an enormous relief.   Then, in the sedated but exhausted sleep, her breathing accelerated as her lungs valiantly pumped harder and deeper attempting to oxygenate and press onward a heart that was being stopped by the paralyzing agent flowing in her veins from the prick of the vet’s needle. One moment there was breath and life; the next instant all was still.   All was quiet.   She was released.   She was no longer burdened with a body that refused to allow her youthful spirit to thrive. She brought unconditional acceptance, undying loyalty, and unquestioning forgiveness.   She brought joy.   Her eyes were always full of youthful joy.   Even when youth fled and the body betrayed her, she continued to look out on the world with eager eyes of youth.   In her mind’s-eye she never aged.   She always saw life with the eager, w