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Mindfulness is the true spirit of the horse

A couple of years ago I made the decision that I would not ride until I could ride with the horse at complete liberty.  I wanted to ride only a horse that
was a willing and ready partner. If I was going to ride, I wanted my horse to get as much from the experience as I was getting. 

Riding horses brings me immense pleasure but I just could not get over the fact that while I was enjoying the experience my horses were allowing it merely out of compliance from subjugation.  Put another way, I was getting pleasure from the coerced subjection and submission of another being.  The more I allowed that realization to sink into my consciousness, the more determined I became to ride only with the consent and willing cooperation of my horse.

I began looking for liberty trainers and found a number who were doing amazing things.  They were riding without any tack.  No bridle or saddle and they had what appeared to be a willing and cooperative partner taking as much pleasure from the experience as the rider.  It appeared they had accomplished exactly what I most desired.

In my search, I came upon Stormy May and her documentary, The Path to the Horse. The film was mind boggling.  The theory and concepts presented in The Path to the Horse run contrary to almost every standard of practice in the world of equine sports.  Though it challenged most everything I'd been taught by very respectable equestrians, the film affirmed my intuitive thoughts and feelings regarding the coerciveness of training horses for human pleasure. 

From The Path to the Horse I became familiar with the Alexander Nevzorov Haute Ecole (high School).  The amazing partnerships that Nevzorov forms with his horses is breath taking in its depth and breath.  In videos of Nevzorov and his horses it seems undeniable that the horses enjoy the experience as much or more than Nevzorov.  I was ecstatic.  This was exactly what I wanted.

In my ecstasy I wanted to learn more and ordered Nevzorov's book, The Horse Crucified and Risen.  The book was not at all what I expected.  I soon learned that Nevzorov no longer trains horses and now advocates against the use of horses in any and all sports and even riding for pleasure.

The Horse Crucified and Risen is one of the most emotionally challenging books one will ever read.  Much of it, I skipped over as I could not bring myself to read the horrifying details of the horrendous torture brought upon horses by humans who claim they love the animal they are torturing.  To say the least, the book is an eye opener.   

I then came upon Ren Hurst, another accomplished equestrian and trainer.  Hurst, like Nevzorov, came to the decision that it is not possible to train a horse without coercion.  No matter how gentle the training techniques employed, the end result is coercion and thus not a willing partner but only a being conditioned to accept submission. 

In my experiences with my horses, I find that I cannot argue against these conclusions.  It brings real grief to accept that I can no longer in good conscience ride my horses. Yet, this decision brought significant change to the relationship between me and my horses.

I consciously listen for, respect, and honor the "No".  "No" means "No", not just in human relationships but also in horse/human relationships.  It shames me to graphically see how little I listened to the beings I considered my friends when my objective was to ride and have some of the best performing horses around.  In my desire to fulfill my pleasure at the horse's expense, I missed almost everything they were clearly communicating.  Their "No" only meant that I needed to apply more pressure.  I can see now why they never shared my desire for connection and relationship.

In these past few months that has all started to change.  In newly discovered and growing relationship, I've discovered that horses are some of the best mindfulness teachers of meditation.  They are naturals when it comes to being present and still.  How they are able to bring such a depth of quiet peacefulness to the present moment is beyond my understanding.  I just know from being with them in a quiet space of meditation that they bring something to the practice beyond that which any human I've encountered can bring.
Engaging in mindfulness meditation with my horses brings a complete new perspective to purposefulness.  It opens new perspectives on the whole question as to why we humans are here.  What is our purpose on this planet?  It opens questions not just about us but also about the horse.  If horses are not here for the purpose of riding and fulfillment of human pleasure, why are they here amongst us?  Why are they domesticated?  Do horses have something to teach us more profound than how to find pleasure and achievement? 

I am just beginning this journey and have more questions than answers.  Though I've decided for the time being that training and riding horses is a violation of their being, I don't know that this is my final conclusion on the matter.  I must admit that I still hope for the horse that willingly with absolutely no coercion, invites me for the ride of my life.  Nevertheless, until I have the unequivocal and clear-as-a-bell invitation, I'll not be riding or training horses. 


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